when i look at you

I'm currently listening to one of the original soundtracks of The Last Song, featuring Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth. And why am i doing a blog about it? Isn't it obvious that it caught me? I just can't get over it. How it has been amazingly done. How i wish i can buy the book and read it too. Anyways, the plot left me with tears. I think everything about it was perfect. Im not a Miley fan but i really loved her portrayal in this movie, It was so natural and the "strength" in her character is what i really like in a girl's personality. Maybe because i would like to think that i am like that. That I am strong but fragile once my feelings take over.

When somebody you truly love suddenly turned you down for some reasons, you may not be able to take the pain, you might think that you are weak coz all you can feel is the pain inside. You might start doubting your trust on this particular person and might think that what ever this person says to you will not matter anymore. You will suddenly forget all of the good things that this person has done to your life. On how happy you were when he came into your life or how sure you were that he would never let you cry.

This movie has made me realize on how forgiveness can make you become happy after the storm in your life. It says there that it is about second chances and first heartbreaks. Personally, i've felt all of these over and over again. But this pain is what is keeping me strong. I am grateful because i can feel pain, it means that i am strong enough to bear it and to feel so deeply. Here's a quote that i have pondered. Based ofcourse on one of the lines in the movie:

"If I cry a lot, it only means that I am strong because I have the courage to feel so deeply."


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