a piece of heaven

One morning, I suddenly felt like my whole body is on fire freeze. I cannot move my head and I knew I had fever.  I feel weak and all I can think of is how can I manage to go to school and meet my students and then after that go to my work in an IT company. My daily routine is suddenly ruined. And my plans are now useless. With a weak body and tired mind, I knew I had to take some rest in the house.

I am not a highly competitive person, but as a person who highly values her independence and sees everything as a new opportunity, one day in the bed could mean a lot of neglected time. My father said that my time is as precious as a gold. There shouldn't be any second that must be spared useless. We'll that's usually what I would tell my self. Being the idealistic that I am. I always see to it that I have something to do out of nothing.

So, for that day, I already informed everyone that I cannot attend to school nor at my "priority work".

To keep myself busy, I've arranged my books and check out for one book that I haven't read yet - or started reading yet.

I saw my youth bible and was hesitant to read it afraid that He has something to say to me and remind me of my sinful acts for the past few days. And then without reading it, I suddenly remember a verse I read in an e-mail sent to me by a bible verse website. It's like I heard HIM say:

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."

I don't know exactly which part of the bible it was but I felt that the whole universe is telling me that there is one greater power that I should acknowledge. And He wants me to be still.

Yes, i know that. Convincing myself that I know it already. But then, is it enough?

I opened my laptop instead and checked for my emails and then there's this another beautiful soul who shares his compassion to help some weary lives. It says:

Hi ****,

I don't know if I ever shared my purpose statement with you, so today I'd like to give you a glimpse into what drives me - into what makes me want to give as much as I can to as many people as possible...

"My purpose is to use insight, compassion, and the rapid embodiment of wisdom, to enable millions of people worldwide to experience meaningful states of inner peace, joy, and abundance."
Today, I am inviting YOU to join me in that mission. See, a while back I created a spiritual story video (you may have even already seen it), and I'd like your help to share it with people. Together we can empower millions of people worldwide with the power of spiritual stories... and this video has the power to do it.

Watch it, love it, and then forward it to the people you care about... they'll thank you for it! :)

"Life Is Like A Cup Of Coffee"

Thanks again for being a part of this journey with me, ****, and I wish for you a wonderful day!

Your Partner In Transformation,
Chris Cade


I saw this video a few days before and even shared it online. It actually left me thinking for a while and because I was so busy on the day that I first saw it, I just moved on and forgot about the message of the video. And then, this one sick day, I saw it again. And watched it again. And then again. Until I realized how bad I have been living my life for the past 23 years. Or since the day that I can actually understand everything that revolves around me.

These things, I found on my email and over the net, it may seem as something that can be neglected normally, but the truth is because I had to be sick (yes I know, He planned this), I was suddenly cornered and left with ample time to contemplate on the pieces of heaven God has given me while I was busy NOT reading His words.

I know I'm a grown up already that is why I have no excuse of NOT living my life according to the plans and providence of God. This piece is actually a REMINDER to me that every day should be lived according to His words so that I won't worry myself from not experiencing a little of of HIS kingdom here on earth.

This is just a tiny little piece of heaven and greater life is beyond the accomplishments and luxury this world could ever offer. The bigger picture is with HIM on His kingdom. And living a life for His glory is one great preparation unto His kingdom. :)


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