Very 2016!

Pre-New Year's Resolution

For the past years, i've been writing in my journal the things that I want to achieve and the habits I need to avoid doing. And my beginning month always starts in January...and then after few days, the desire fades.. This coming 2016, I did something different: I started last  November 2015. My goal is to have a wedding on August 2016.

1. I need to have a healthy lifestyle: Eat right, exercise often, spend less on food.
2. Start paying off my mountain of debts.
3. Buy a car.
4. Buy my own house.
5. Look for a better job.
6. Be serious in running my business.
7. Continue with my spiritual journey and contribution to commission (discipleship)

I realized that I need to start fresh and strong in the coming year. What I did was to start making a little baby step starting November 2015. 

1. I went onto a reset diet which basically means that I needed to go the roots of my poor eating habits  -  I needed to jumpstart healthy eating habits and begin to make a clean break from unhealthy, high-glycemic foods. 
 Another thing I did was to contact my trainer whom I met 3 years ago. I needed someone to guide me properly and be on track with my goal to loose weight.

2. I started with the smallest. I am paying off my debts or the money I borrowed from friends one by one. I realized, I'm already done paying one huge debt which I was having hard time paying before.

3. This one was really close to impossible. I had mountain of debts and I am still thinking of a car?! But then I realized, it was not a luxury anymore, it's already a necessity. Yes, there are lots of car here in manila, but I realized that there are more people commuting and the probability of me being exhausted in rambling over a public vehicle is high. With constant prayer and discernment, I bought a car. I realized that when I purchased it I became well budgeted with my expenses. It makes a lot of difference when I have options to ride in the car or not.

4. Through faith, I was able to purchase a 50sqm 2 storey-house in a secured village in the southern part outside manila. By January or February, we might be able to move in to that new house. :)

5. I think this one is  the only work in progress in the list since I haven't found a company the fits my desired schedule. 

6. Actually, my #5 list is optional. I might not need to find another day job once my business can run on it's own. I'm still in the building stage so I still need a day job to sustain my daily needs. (But who am i kidding?! I just need a 2-3 years or a quarter or 2 then I know I won't be needing a day job!) I realized that more customers/clients are coming my way when I decided to really focus myself, time and dedication in my business. I looked for mentors who will guide and teach me the right way so that I can achieve massive results. I applied what they are teaching me and constantly keep the motivation and desire burning.

7. This is a life long journey and I am really overwhelmed that just this month, the people who were once a part of the small group that I am leading are now leaders and are also leading their own small groups. One person even approached  and said her gratitude towards me for sharing to her the word of Jesus and also listening to her during tough times.

My new year's resolution list is almost half way done. It never happened to me before. And the only difference is because I started before 2016. I'm coming in to this year strong and with confidence that I will achieve my goals. The secret is this:

1. start small - be patient with the small things because God will surely be faithful in providing BIGGER things if you are faithful with the small ones.
2. do it consistently - create a habit that will make you an excellent person in that particular task. 
3. persevere - never give up. keep going and always remember why you started in the first place. those people who don't believe in you right now will eventually get tired of letting you down. just keep going. at the end of the day, it's your dreams not theirs.

May you have a blissful and abundant new year ahead!



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